Crystal Taxidermy Art and Jewelry by Artist Maria Quinn



I got the idea to start creating these pieces from a dream. In November of 2016, I was reeling from a nightmare election that ended up somehow still being real, and the writing I was doing started to feel really pointless. An urge to create something concrete with my hands made itself known. I had no idea what that meant, I just knew closing my laptop was the first step. And then I had a dream. I don’t even remember the actual content, just that upon waking, the phrase “I bedazzle the bones of my enemies” was seared into my brain, and that it kept bothering me until I finally relented and said “better see what this is about”

I didn’t realize in the beginning the impact this art would have on my life and on helping me reclaim a part of myself I had diminished. I’ve reconnected with traditional Italian American Folkmagic practices, many that I didn’t even know I was already doing most of my life, and so all of the things I make are embedded with power and protective energy from that vein of magic. Take it or leave it, but overall what it means is that you are buying art that was made with the intention of helping to remind you of your own power, which we need to continually wake up to throughout this life.

Creating beauty from dead things mixed with expensive high end crystals makes me laugh, and I appreciate others that find the humor and beauty in it as well.

~Maria Quinn